Gatakers Artspace, Maryborough, QLD
First stop on an incredible Australian tour!
Carmel Price – The techniques used to produce the set of 25 images are truly unique. In particular, the concept that the B&W images’ subjects should have equal prominence and presence as the current day bomb disposal officers is terrific.
Melissa – I loved this exhibition as it challenged my view on war and its impacts. This exhibition has a strong message to be heard and would be an educational tool to teach our future generations. A truly deeply moving exhibition.
Cecile – …this is an exhibition about people not war.
Michael – The exhibition is so poignant that it goes beyond the Great War, its message is just as potent in our time.
Nancy Bates – An extraordinary exhibition. The images alone are engrossing, the carefully crafted information makes this exhibition a rare and enriching experience.
Carolyn Beattie – Fabulous exhibition.