Another almighty achievement for Recovering The Past!

Displayed, centre-stage at Ypres’s In Flanders Fields Museum, ‘Recovering The Past’ is exhibited as a component of Belgium’s national centenary commemorations to the Great War.

Filmed over a period of years on the land  surrounding Ypres, the West Flanders region will forever be the spiritual home of the project.

The In Flanders Fields Museum team has kept apace through the project’s complex development phase. Its exhibition at this world renowned venue is a incredible result for both the work and artist Ian Alderman. 

Produced with the full cooperation of the permanently based, local unit of the DOVO-SEDEE bomb-disposal team, the unexploded ammunition portrayed throughout the work’s images, graphically portray the long-term physical consequence of war.  

From the work’s very start in 2011, the team has provided an extraordinary level of support, without which this globally relevant exhibition would never have become a reality. 

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